•May 13, 2011 • Leave a Comment

I feel that our site is pretty effective towards its purpose. Its pretty blunt with its navigation and controls. Feedback suggests that out of the site, the quiz was the most confuzing. Some improvements could be to put more pictures on the site and get rid some of the empty space. Maybe put more engaging options such as links to breif biogrophies for more artists. Feedback shows that the navigation was fairly easy and the design was also not bad. We got some comments on the color of the backround aswell.

Link- http://www.asijlearning.com/6/hiphopbeeef/realsitereal.html

article site planning

•April 10, 2011 • Leave a Comment

Essentials when planning a website

-understand what the website is trying to accomplish

-what audience is your website pertaining to

-how many levels, navigation, pictures and text, domain etc.

-text should have meaning (size and font)

-take into account the difference between PC’s and macs

-choose whether to have a static or a dynamic view which will grab your audience’s attention more

web design site edit

•March 10, 2011 • Leave a Comment



I think the design of the website helps its purpose by showing actual pictures of students, making it more understandable what the site is for. Also having a line describing the school. Having the options displayed as buttons on the side makes for easier use of the site. I beleive that this site has great allignment, having the pictures alligned in a comfortable mannor, and the buttons lined up on the side. I discovered the use of allignment and Proximity from this project.

•February 4, 2011 • Leave a Comment

PRODUCT- I belive that our HTML fullfilled the purpose very adequetly. I think that because we displayed our problem and adressed the solution in a  way that is easily understood. There is a map to help locate where we are. I feel that our HTMl is not very appealing but is attracting. When you first look at it you see the map and the large text which cathes your eye. I think our code might be a little bit simpler than others but still meets the requirements.

PROCESS- The way Matt and I worked was, he was the leader of the HTML. Since he is better with computers than me, we felt that he should do more of the complicated coding, while I did the easier tasks such as creating the second page or providing some color. I think that my personal problem solving style is to adress the problem, look for help on finding the solution if it’s not obvious. Then if all else fails I will ask for help and hopefully figure it out afterwards. I think some strengths of our work together was our communication. once we had a problem we would help each other find the solution. Some of our weakness were our work load. Sometimes I felt matt was a little overwhelmed but i could not help him because I didn’t understand it.



•January 30, 2011 • Leave a Comment

“The internet is to WWW as an apple tree is to an apple”

Hello world!

•January 10, 2011 • 1 Comment

Welcome to WordPress.com. This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!